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Submissions for the event fall into two categories


1. Stories


2. Exhibition


1. Stories


Stories are intended to be an accessible (yet impactful) way of sharing your thoughts.


They are particularly well-suited to those who find abstracts and posters intimidating, or for those who love a bit of drama.


In our experience, that's nearly everyone. So, please do get in touch to submit your blog or picture, or to arrange your podcast.

Write your story. 



- Tell us who you are.

- Tell us where the story is set.

- Ensure the story is relevant to SF medical products.



- use offensive language.

- name other people or organizations.


Photograph your story. It could be of your own artwork, or is could be of a real-life setting. 



- Tell us your name.

- Tell us where you are.

- Ensure the photo is relevant to SF medical products.



- Take photos that infringe on any laws or rights (e.g. privacy).


Tell your story. In your own words and language.



- Tell us who you are.

- Tell us where the story is set.

- Ensure the audio story is relevant to SF medical products.



- Use offensive language.

- Name other people or organizations.


2. Exhibition


The exhibition will house scientific and technical data.


It will provide information about technologies to tackle SF medical products - as well as research about them and their use.  


We anticipate that it will be of most interest to researchers, innovators, and policy-makers - but submissions from helpful souls with handy documents are also welcome.


Write your story: any length, any style, any language.



Tell us your name.

Tell us where your story is set.

Tell us when your story is set.

Ensure the story is relevant to SF medical products!



Use profanities i.e. swear.

Name people or organisations.

Abstracts will be:

- oral.

- 10 minutes maximum.

- pre-recorded on Zoom.
- publicly available.


Q&A will be via online comments, attached to the abstract video.


Tell your story: in your own words and language.



Tell us your name.

Tell us where your story is set.

Tell us when your story is set.

Ensure the story is relevant to SF medical products!



Use profanities i.e. swear.

Name people or organisations.

Pitches will be:

- oral.

- 10 minutes maximum.

- pre-recorded on Zoom.

- publicly available.


Q&A will be via online comments, attached to the video pitch.


Take a photograph. It could be of your own artwork, or is could be of a real-life setting. 



Tell us your name.

Tell us your location.

Ensure the photo is relevant to SF medical products!



Take photos that infringe on any laws or rights (e.g. privacy).

Posters will be:

- virtual.

- presented as a PDF.

- publicly available.


Q&A will be via online comments, attached to the poster.

White papers

Tell your story: in your own words and language.



Tell us your name.

Tell us where your story is set.

Tell us when your story is set.

Ensure the story is relevant to SF medical products!



Use profanities i.e. swear.

Name people or organisations.

White papers or technical data sheets. Require:

- the name of the product, system, or technology.

- a weblink (preferred) or PDF of the documentation.

- a publication date.

- an organisational logo, (for the product gallery.)

Click the button to register and send your submission.



All submissions must be received by

0500 GMT on Friday 5th November 2021

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Kate Enright © Copyright

Note: translation is auto-generated and may be inaccurate


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